This is an example to make article analysis (ini merupakan sebuah contoh membuat analisis sebuah artikel). Next time I will show you the step to make aticle analysis. (lain waktu saya akan memaparkan langkah-langkah membuah analisis artikel)
A new study of twin finds that environmental factors, including condition in the womb may be at least as important as genes in causing autism. Indeed, a new study of twin finds that the environmental factors are the biggest factor in causing autism than genes. This research make all of the researchers of autism in the world consider that not only genes can causes autism but also environmental factor. One of autism researcher says that both genetic and environment factor must be taken seriously. The other expert perceives that an expert needs to not just study environment factors, but the relation between the genes and the environment.
Title : New Study Implicates Environmental Factors in Autism
Author : Laurie Tarkan
Newspaper : New York Edition
Date : July 4, 2011
Subject : the new research of environment factors in causing autism
Thesis : The evidence that environmental factors can cause autism is still being homework for autism researcher.
Evidence :
1. A new study of twin implicates environment factor in autism make the autism researcher has big homework to solve
v An expert said the new study, marked an important shift in thinking about the causes of autism.
v Dr. Peter Szatmari, a leading autism resercher said “but it shift the focus to the possibility that environmental factor could also be really important”
v Dr. Joachim Hallmayer, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at Stanford said “I think we now understand that both genetic and environmental factors have to be taken seriously”
v Clara Lajonchere, an author of the twin study said “we need to not just study the environment factors, but the relation between the genes and environment”
2. A new study of twin finds that the environmental factors is the biggest factor in causing autism than genes
v Identical twin share 100 percent of their genes; fraternal twins’ share 50 percent of their genes. So comparing autism rates in both types of twin can enable researchers to measure the important of genes versus environment. And surprisingly, mathematical modeling suggested that only 38 percent of the cases could be attributed in genetic factors. And more surprising still, shared environmental factors appeared to be at work 58 percent of the cases.
Significance : this issue is very important for all people in the word especially autism researcher to considering and finding the other evidences that environmental factor are the biggest factor in causing autism. And then this information is also very important for general people as arbiter that we must always be careful to keep our body.
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