summary the novel; the case of the lonely lady


There was lonely lady named Nancy Robert.  Nancy was 46 years old. She was confused because she didn’t have friends and she had not married. Even she did not work because her parents left him much money, before they died. One day Nancy decided to spend her holiday in Eastbourne and then she met Isobel Jones and Henry Jones. Nancy had fallen in love with Henry Jones and finally they got married.  Unfortunately, Isobel and Henry just wanted the treasure of Nancy who lived alone in Eastbourne.
After they had married they came to Henry’s house in Beckenham. Nancy was never happy because she was a prisoner in this house. She was alone, locked in a large, empty house. Nancy also had lack of energy because Isobel gave her morphine in her food.

introduction to literature

In this happy time I want to write about Literature. Kali ini saya akan menulis segala hal mengenai literatur yang disebut dalam bahasa indonesia sebagai sastra. Kebanyakan orang akan selalu bertanya-tanya apa sih yang dimaksud sastra itu? Sastra atau literature merupakan sebuah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan segala bentuk ide, ekspresi seseorang melalui tulisan. menurut robert forst sastra atau literature merupakan sebuah kinerja dalam kata-kata.
Sastra memiliki 3 theori yaitu:
1.    Imitative theory: maksud dari teori imitative ini bahwa sebuah seni sastra merupakan hasil tiruan dari sebuah hal di dalam kehidupan. Seperti penggambaran manusia, peristiwa, keadaan atau situasi.
2.     Afective theory: affectif theory menyatakan bahwa sebuah kaya seni sastra harus membangkitkan emosi, menambah semangat, atau mempengaruhi sesorang

article analysis


This is an example to make article analysis (ini merupakan sebuah contoh membuat analisis sebuah artikel). Next time I will show you the step to make aticle analysis. (lain waktu saya akan memaparkan langkah-langkah membuah analisis artikel)

A new study of twin finds that environmental factors, including condition in the womb may be at least as important as genes in causing autism. Indeed, a new study of twin finds that the environmental factors are the biggest factor in causing autism than genes. This research make all of the researchers of autism in the world consider that not only genes can causes autism but also environmental factor.  One of autism researcher says that both genetic and environment factor must be taken seriously.  The other expert perceives that an expert needs to not just study environment factors, but the relation between the genes and the environment.




Student A  (opinion)
Student B (Agree)
Student C (disagree/reason)
…watching TV is a waste of time
1.   I agree with student A. in my opinion watching TV is completely wasting time.
2.   If you aren’t watching TV I belief you will have a lot of more free time to do thing you love
3.   Just imagine if we spent our time to work on our goal, we’d already be making so much progress by now.
4.   Watching TV can cut our time to learn. Beside that watching TV have many bad effect, such as:
·   TV slows down our brain activity
·   Most TV Content Today Is Consciousness-Lowering
·   By quality, I’m not referring to production quality(there are no massage can we get by watching TV)
·   TV identical with advertisements, this is make us more consumptives
·   Not Watching TV Saves You Money
… There are some good things on TV. Such us:
1.   Television is one of the important modes of getting information
2.   We can get news from all over the world through television.
3.   By watching tv we can get knowledge about various new things
4.   Entertainment channels entertain us or make us feel relax; refresh our brain
5.   There are many educational programs or personality development programs which are good for children or youngster
6.   There are some programs which are not good for children which can be shown late night. We can decide what is good for us and what is bad so we can chose what to watch. So I don't think that watching television is waste of time if we know what to watch.
…living and working in big city is great
1.       Convenience
·   Children growing up in villages do not have as much access to education as children in cities
·   The facilities to increase our ability at big city more complex than at country.
2.       Health and safety
·   Health services at big city better than at country.
·   In cities, police are readily accessible.
3.       Work and career
·         In the country there are fewer jobs available. At big city there are a lot of choice for job
In summary, living in a big city has many advantages. However, you have to try your best to overcome all difficulties such as hard competition in workplace or polluted environment. you should not complain when face up to disadvantages of it

… Living in the country is much better. Because:
1.    Convenience
·      I don’t think so that see many vehicles, many skyscrapers, many people with a hurry pace of life can make us get convenience.
·      In country also there are a lot of facilities in education and also health. The quality of education in country as well as at city.
2.    Health and safety
Precisely, living at big city will make you unhealthy. Some research finds people who are born and raised in big city are more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression and schizophrenia than those brought up in the country.
3.    Work and career
·         There is statement that At big city there are a lot of choice for job. I don’t think so, because today we can see so many people from big city are jobless. They difficult to find out job because at big city too crowded with people who need job.
…police should give out more traffic ticket
1.       To increase people responsibility
2.       Help to develop county
3.       Can decrease pollution, because people will be inert
… the police give out too many parking tickets
·         Wasting time, wasting money

…teachers assign too much homework
·         I do not think we need homework if the teachers would teach us well enough that we would learn everything in school
·         so many things wrong with homework: It makes kids hate learning and school, it takes away from family time, it strains the parent-child relationship
·         Much homework can decrease student to playing environment
Students need a lot of homework
·         homework is the best thing for your child to use to review the concepts that they learned in school that day
·         to avoid student forget their material
·         lot of homework help brain student to develop

…females are batter at learning a foreign language
·         The areas of the brain responsible for language are over 17 percent larger in women than men, that’s why females are batter at learning a foreign language
·         Women have big responsibility in learning process
Males learn foreign language as well as females
·         Learning foreign languages cannot classified by gender


apasih komunikasi masa itu?

1.   Definisi Komunikasi Massa
Menurut Drs. Akhmad Mulyana M.Si, komunikasi massa adalah proses komunikasi yang dilakukan melalui media massa dengan berbagai tujuan komunikasi dan untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada khalayak luas.
Menurut Joseph A. Devito, komunikasi massa adalah komunikasi yang ditujukan kepada massa atau khalayak yang luar biasa banyaknya. Selain itu, komunikasi massa juga dapat diartikan sebagai komunikasi yang disalurkan oleh pemancar-pemancar berupa audio ataupun visual.
Menurut Bittner, komunikasi massa adalah pesan yang dikomunikasikan melalui media massa pada sejumlah besar orang.
Jadi, dari pendapat berbagai tokoh di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa komunikasi massa merupakan proses komunikasi yang disampaikan melalui media massa kepada khalayak untuk menyampaikan informasi atau pesan tertentu.

2.   Komponen-Komponen Komunikasi Massa
Menurut Harold D. Laswell, komponen-komponen penting yang menyusun komunikasi massa adalah sebagai berikut:

Mau sukses kuliah?

Banyak orang menganggap kuliah itu adalah hal yang penting, namun sebagian orang juga beranggapan "apakah kuliah menjamin bisa sukses?hidup enak?dapat pekerjaan?". pertanyaan semacam itu tidak perlu dipungkiri lagi memang menjadi momok bagi masyarakat, sebab persaingan dunia kerja, sempitnya lahan pekerjaan menjadi hal yang sangat menekan tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap pentingnya pendidikan. Sebagai solusi tentang anggapan bahwa "BANYAK MAHASISWA YANG NGANGGUR" , saya akan mencoba untuk menetralisasi dan memberikan sedikit tips untuk mematahkan anggapan tersebut. Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa dan saya memang belum sukses, namun yang saya yakini adalah ketika seseorang memiliki niat yang besar dan berupaya sepenuh tenaga, Tuhan tak akan diam saja, itu pointnya. 
Sukses adalah Pilihan
ketika terngiang di dalam benak kita tentang kata SUKSES, jangan langsung merinding dan frustasi tidak bisa menggapainya. SUKSES ADALAH PILIHAN, kalimat itu adalah BENAR, Jangan pernah ragu untuk meraih sukses, jika kalian ingin sukses pilihlah jalan yang benar. Sebagai mahasiswa yang Bijak jangan biarkan diri kita terlena oleh euforia kampus dan lingkungan. Kokohkan niat dan pertegas langkah... 

Ibu Susilawati, penangkar burung langka


Kediri, – Seorang ibu rumah tangga di Nganjuk bisa meraup untung puluhan juta rupiah dari beternak burung. Usaha yang dilakukan di rumah secara sampingan ini, kini telah berkembang hingga memiliki 40 kandang penangkaran dengan omzet ratusan juta rupiah.
Susilowati, seorang ibu rumah tangga warga Desa Kudu, Kecamatan Kertosono Nganjuk sukses menggeluti bisnis beternak burung di rumahnya. Berbekal ketelatenan dan modal seadanya, kini usaha yang umumnya digeluti kaum laki-laki ini telah menghasilkan keuntungan rata-rata 25 juta rupiah tiap bulan. Jenis burung yang dipilih untuk ditangkar juga tidak main-main yakni burung langka dan dilindungi, seperti Jalak Bali dan Cucak Rowo. Di rumahnya yang asri, Susilowati memiliki 40 kandang yang sebagian besar telah produktif.

Sastra Inggris, mau jadi apa?

Ketika seorang anak menyampaikan keinginannya untuk menjadi seorang dokter kepada orang tuanya bisa dibayangkan betapa bangganya para orang tua dan betapa bahagianya orang tua. Orang tua kita pasti bisa membayangkan ketika kita bisa kaya dan sukses dengan masuk kedokteran bahkan belum masuk saja mereka pasti sudah membayangkan ketika kita memakai baju serba putih, membawa stetoskop dan bertambahkan dr. pada nama depan kita. Namun bisakah dibayangkan ketika kita hendak mengutarakan pendapat kita bahwa kita ingin masuk jurusan Sastra?Sastra Ingrris misalnya? pasti mereka memicingkan mata dan bertanya-tanya "mau jadi apa nak nanti?"



Oleh : Susilawati ( Safari Bird Farm )*

Indonesia sangat kaya akan Keanekaragaman hayati yang melimpah ruah hingga dikenal sebagi Negara MEGA BIODIVERSITY. Secara internasional, keanekaragaman hayatinya terbanyak kedua di seluruh dunia.
Wilayah hutan tropisnya terluas ke tiga di dunia dengan cadangan minyak, gas alam, emas, tembaga, dan mineral lainnya. Terumbu karang dan kehidupan laut terbentang indah dalam 17. 000 pulaunya. Lebih dari itu Indonesia memiliki tanah dan area lautan yang luas  dan kaya dengan berjenis-jenis ekologi. Menempati hampir 1,3 persen dari wilayah bumi mempunyai kira kira 10 persen jenis tanaman bunga yang ada di dunia, 12 persen jenis binatang menyusui, 17 persen jenis burung. 25 persen jenis ikan, dan 10 persen sisa area hutan tropis yang kedua, setelah brasil (world bang 1994)

Safari Bird Farm: Keberhasilan Wanita Penangkar Burung


Bukan hal yang mencengangkan jika seorang lulusan Fakultas Peternakan atau Fakultas MIPA melakukan kegiatan yang bermanfaat untuk kehidupan fauna Indonesia. Namun, Susilawati, dengan background pendidikan Ekonomi Manajemen dari Universitas Negeri Jember, mampu menumbuhkan kecintaan dalam dirinya yang begitu besar pada kehidupan burung. Beliau bahkan telah membuka sebuah tempat penangkaran burung yang berkembang pesat dengan nama Safari Bird Farm di Nganjuk.
Burung cucak hijau

“How to Learn English Effectively and Efficiently”


All of people know that English is international language, that’s why knowing and studying English is very important in this era. And many people say that studying English is very difficult.
Let’s have a look to the following proverb:
I think the key to learn English effectively and efficiently is Practice, Practice and Practice. But the Question is: How improve our four language skill? “Practice listening, practice speaking, and practice reading and practice writing?” Okay, I would like to try to give you a short description about it.
            Well, originally… when we still a baby, we starts studying a language by listen a sound, then we tries to imitate to speak, and then just read, finally the we tries to write whatever the we wants. It’s still a symbol. That is the baby way of learning language. Bu, we are a student, we are a student in a collage, we are different with the babies. We have partners, lecturer, English reference books, dictionaries, CD’s, cassettes tape recorder, computer, or maybe we have internets, English laboratories,, English native speaker etc. those are the facilities to support us to learn English effectively and efficiently. But, the underline is “it is depends on us”
Well my friend let us talking more how to learn about four language skill.

First is Listening. To explore our ability in listening skill is by practice listening. We can listening to the cassette recorders. It can be about alphabets, words, sentences, passages, stories or song. We can practice our pronunciations, intonation and understanding about content of passages, stories, or songs from listening activity.

Second is practice speaking. I think the key to improve our speaking skill is “don’t be shy or afraid to make mistake” when we practice speaking. We can practice speaking whenever and wherever by our self. We must be brave to speak English with our partner and if we don’t have partner we can speak in front of mirror. We also can practice speaking by giving a comment about anything what we see, what we feel. So try to speak up. For the example: when you feel happy or sad try express it in English.

Then Reading skill. The question is “what should we do to improve our reading skill???”
I think reading is enjoyable. For reading skill needs to read the passage or story loudly, and our partner can checks our pronunciation and intonation. For the material we can read a passage, story, novel, newspaper or magazine. in reading comprehension we need to understand the content of the material which we read and the writer purpose so if we have difficulties to understanding the content we can put underline in difficult word to help you to understand. Remember again that dictionary is our best friend.

The last is writing skill. I think the most difficult one is practice writing. But, nothing difficult if we always trying, trying and trying, practice, practice and practice. So to improve our writing skill we can write a personal letter to our pen palls than we also can write a description of picture or what we see, what we listen and what we feel.

Well my friends we can master the four language skill enough vocabularies. We can improve our vocabulary by memorizing, using card or writing down on the piece of paper than put it on where we often can see it. For the examples: in the bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom and so on.
Well my friends “nothing difficult” and there are many ways to learn English effectively and efficiently. There are many ways to learn English effectively and efficiently and it’s depends on us.

originaly from Aira-Fidel ^^